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File _service:obs_scm:kunpengsecl.spec of Package kunpengsecl
%global name kunpengsecl %global version 2.0.2 %undefine _missing_build_ids_terminate_build Name: %{name} Version: %{version} Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: A remote attestation security software components running on Kunpeng processors. Summary(zh_CN): 一款运行于鲲鹏处理器上的远程证明安全软件组件 License: MulanPSL-2.0 URL: Source0: %{name}-v%{version}.tar.gz Source1: vendor.tar.gz BuildRequires: gettext make golang BuildRequires: protobuf-compiler compat-openssl11-devel BuildRequires: cjson-devel %ifarch aarch64 BuildRequires: itrustee_sdk-devel %endif Packager: leezhenxiang, WangLi, Wucaijun, gwei3 %description This is %{name} project, including rac, ras, rahub, qcaserver, attester and tas packages. %package rac Summary: the rac package. Requires: compat-openssl11-libs %ifarch aarch64 Requires: itrustee_sdk %endif %description rac This is the rac rpm package, which is used to install the client of the program. %package ras Summary: the ras package. Requires: %{name}-attester %description ras This is the ras rpm package, which is used to install the server of the program. %package rahub Summary: the rahub package. %description rahub This is the rahub rpm package, which is used to cascade clients. %package qcaserver Summary: the qcaserver package. %description qcaserver This is the qcaserver rpm package, which is used to invoke libqca. %package attester Summary: the attester package. Requires: cjson Requires: compat-openssl11-libs %description attester This is the attester rpm package, which is used to verify ta reports. %package tas Summary: the tas package. Requires: %{name}-attester %description tas This is the tas rpm package, which is used to sign ak cert. %package devel Summary: the develop package. Requires: %{name}-attester %description devel This is the devel rpm package, which provide supporting header file. %prep %setup -q -c -a 1 %build make build %install make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} # %check # make check %post %preun %files rac %{_bindir}/raagent #%{_bindir}/tbprovisioner %{_sysconfdir}/attestation/rac/config.yaml %{_sysconfdir}/attestation/default_test/ascii_runtime_measurements* %{_sysconfdir}/attestation/default_test/binary_bios_measurements* %{_datadir}/attestation/rac/ %{_datadir}/attestation/rac/ %{_datadir}/attestation/rac/ %{_datadir}/attestation/rac/ %{_docdir}/attestation/rac/ %{_docdir}/attestation/rac/ %{_docdir}/attestation/rac/LICENSE %ifarch aarch64 %{_libdir}/ %endif %files ras %{_bindir}/ras %{_sysconfdir}/attestation/ras/config.yaml %{_datadir}/attestation/ras/ %{_datadir}/attestation/ras/ %{_datadir}/attestation/ras/createTable.sql %{_datadir}/attestation/ras/clearTable.sql %{_datadir}/attestation/ras/dropTable.sql %{_datadir}/attestation/ras/ %{_docdir}/attestation/ras/ %{_docdir}/attestation/ras/ %{_docdir}/attestation/ras/LICENSE %files rahub %{_bindir}/rahub %{_sysconfdir}/attestation/rahub/config.yaml %{_datadir}/attestation/rahub/ %{_docdir}/attestation/rahub/ %{_docdir}/attestation/rahub/ %{_docdir}/attestation/rahub/LICENSE %files qcaserver %{_bindir}/qcaserver %{_sysconfdir}/attestation/qcaserver/config.yaml %{_datadir}/attestation/qcaserver/ %{_docdir}/attestation/qcaserver/ %{_docdir}/attestation/qcaserver/ %{_docdir}/attestation/qcaserver/LICENSE %{_datadir}/attestation/qcaserver/ %{_datadir}/attestation/qcaserver/ %files attester %{_bindir}/attester %{_sysconfdir}/attestation/attester/config.yaml %{_datadir}/attestation/attester/ %{_docdir}/attestation/attester/ %{_docdir}/attestation/attester/ %{_docdir}/attestation/attester/LICENSE %{_libdir}/ %files tas %{_bindir}/tas %{_bindir}/*.pem %{_sysconfdir}/attestation/tas/config.yaml %{_datadir}/attestation/tas/ %{_docdir}/attestation/tas/ %{_docdir}/attestation/tas/ %{_docdir}/attestation/tas/LICENSE %files devel %{_includedir}/teeverifier.h %changelog * Sun Jun 25 2023 gwei3 <> - 2.0.2-1 - update to 2.0.2 * Thu Mar 23 2023 leezhenxiang <> - 2.0.1-1 - update to 2.0.1 - add devel package * Thu Mar 23 2023 leezhenxiang <> - 2.0.0-1 - update to 2.0.0 - add qcaserver, attester, and tas packages - add BuildRequires itrustee_sdk-devel, cjson-devel and Requires itrustee_sdk, cjson - modify makefile to adapt to different architectures - specify the build requires in rac and attester package * Fri Feb 10 2023 gwei3 <> - 1.1.2-2 - update BuildRequires & Requires to replace openssl* with compat-openssl11* to adapt to latest Mainline - remove redundent clean label in spec file * Thu Sep 15 2022 gwei3 <> - 1.1.2-1 - update to 1.1.2 - add slice length checks to avoid buffer overflow while extracting and verifying - update integration test data to meet restapi parameter check requirement - modify raagent/main.go file, change log to logger, os.Exit returns different values based on diff errors - close RAS restapi server in signal handler - Add parameter format checking for pcr/bios/ima in POST {id}/newbasevalue API - Fix bugs in v1.1.1 bug 1: can only add the 2nd part of ima policy into /etc/ima/ima-policy. bug 2: running multiple times will add duplicated linux cmdlines in /etc/default/grub. bug 3: rahub config path was assigned wrong values, which is caused by copy/paste - fix the issue that Makefile not sync vendor - modify readme file * Fri Sep 02 2022 gwei3 <> - 1.1.1-1 - update to 1.1.1 - reuse makefile to do install - remove the empty kunpengsecl binary rpm * Tue Aug 09 2022 wangli <> - 1.1.0-3 - process vendor directory * Wed Aug 03 2022 fushanqing <> - 1.1.0-2 - Unified license name specification * Sun Jul 24 2022 wangli <> - 1.1.0-1 - add some test files - prepare corresponding script for ras\rac\rahub to deploy config file respectively - update part of file paths - update to 1.1.0 * Fri Jan 21 2022 wangli <> - 1.0.0-5 - install some test files to support the running of program. * Mon Dec 27 2021 gwei3 <> - 1.0.0-4 - update the source tar to remove intermediate files. * Wed Dec 08 2021 wangli <> - 1.0.0-3 - add the rahub package. - reorganize the directory structure of all packages. - add BuildRequires protobuf-compiler and Requires openssl. * Fri Nov 12 2021 wucaijun <> - 1.0.0-2 - create the rpmbuild directory. - modify the kunpengsecl.spec and files. - add root Makefile to build/clean rpm package. * Thu Nov 11 2021 wangli <> - 1.0.0-1 - update to 1.0.0
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