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File _service:obs_scm:texlive-split-k.spec of Package texlive-split-k
%global tl_version 2021 %global _texdir %{_datadir}/texlive %global __brp_mangle_shebangs /usr/bin/true Name: texlive-split-k Version: %{tl_version} Release: 2 Epoch: 9 Summary: TeX formatting system License: Artistic 2.0 and GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and LPPL-1.3a and LPPL-1.3c and MIT and Public Domain and UCD and Utopia URL: BuildArch: noarch Source0003: texlive-licenses.tar.xz Source1460: Source1461: Source1463: Source1464: Source1465: Source1466: Source1570: Source1709: Source1710: Source1895: Source1896: Source1897: Source1898: Source1899: Source1900: Source1901: Source1902: Source1903: Source2131: Source2220: Source2221: Source2222: Source2224: Source2225: Source2226: Source2227: Source2618: Source2667: Source2668: Source2760: Source2761: Source3176: Source3177: Source3178: Source3179: Source3180: Source3181: Source3183: Source3184: Source3186: Source3187: Source4231: Source4232: Source4233: Source4234: Source4235: Source4236: Source4238: Source4239: Source4241: Source4242: Source4243: Source4244: Source4245: Source4246: Source4248: Source4249: Source4250: Source4251: Source4253: Source4254: Source4256: Source4257: Source4258: Source4259: Source4260: Source4261: Source4263: Source4264: Source4266: Source4267: Source6035: Source6036: Source6397: Source6398: Source6399: Source6400: Source6677: Source6678: Source6679: Source6680: Source6681: Source6682: Source6683: Source6684: Source6685: Source6686: Source7371: Source7372: Source7771: Source7772: Source7773: Source7774: Source7775: Source7776: Source7777: Source7778: Source7779: Source7780: Source8038: Source8039: Source8168: Source8169: Source8170: Source8171: Source8172: Source8173: %description The TeX Live software distribution offers a complete TeX system for a variety of Unix, Macintosh, Windows and other platforms. It encompasses programs for editing, typesetting, previewing and printing of TeX documents in many different languages, and a large collection of TeX macros and font libraries. The distribution includes extensive general documentation about TeX, as well as the documentation for the included software packages. %package -n texlive-harvard Provides: tex-harvard = %{tl_version} License: LPPL-1.3c Summary: Harvard citation package for use with LaTeX 2e Version: svn15878.2.0.5 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(ifthen.sty) Provides: tex(harvard.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-harvard This is a re-implementation, for LaTeX 2e, of the original Harvard package. The bundle contains the LaTeX package, several BibTeX styles, and a 'Perl package' for use with LaTeX2HTML. Harvard is an author-year citation style (all but the first author are suppressed in second and subsequent citations of the same entry); the package defines several variant styles: apsr.bst for the American Political Science Review; agsm.bst for Australian Government publications; dcu.bst from the Design Computing Unit of the University of Sydney; kluwer.bstwhich aims at the format preferred in Kluwer publications; nederlands.bst which deals with sorting Dutch names with prefixes (such as van) according to Dutch rules, together with several styles whose authors offer no description of their behaviour. %package -n texlive-harvard-doc Summary: Documentation for harvard License: LPPL-1.3c Version: svn15878.2.0.5 Provides: tex-harvard-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-harvard-doc Documentation for harvard %package -n texlive-harvmac Provides: tex-harvmac = %{tl_version} License: CC-BY-3.0 Summary: Macros for scientific articles Version: svn15878.0 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Provides: tex(harvmac.tex) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-harvmac Known as 'Harvard macros', since written at that University. %package -n texlive-harvmac-doc Summary: Documentation for harvmac License: CC-BY-3.0 Version: svn15878.0 Provides: tex-harvmac-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-harvmac-doc Documentation for harvmac %package -n texlive-historische-zeitschrift Provides: tex-historische-zeitschrift = %{tl_version} Summary: Biblatex style for the journal 'Historische Zeitschrift' Version: svn42635 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Provides: tex(historische-zeitschrift.bbx) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(historische-zeitschrift.cbx) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-historische-zeitschrift The package provides citations according with the house style of the 'Historische Zeitschrift', a German historical journal. The scheme is a fullcite for the first citation and 'Author, Shorttitle (as note N, P)' for later citations (P being the page number). For further details, see the description of the house style at the journal's site. The package depends on biblatex (version 0.8 or higher) as well as etoolbox (version 1.5 or higher). %package -n texlive-historische-zeitschrift-doc Summary: Documentation for historische-zeitschrift License: LPPL-1.3c Version: svn42635 Provides: tex-historische-zeitschrift-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-historische-zeitschrift-doc Documentation for historische-zeitschrift %package -n texlive-hatching Provides: tex-hatching = %{tl_version} License: Public Domain Summary: MetaPost macros for hatching interior of closed paths Version: svn23818.0.11 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea %description -n texlive-hatching The file contains a set of MetaPost macros for hatching interior of closed paths. Examples of usage are included. %package -n texlive-hatching-doc Summary: Documentation for hatching License: Public Domain Version: svn23818.0.11 Provides: tex-hatching-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hatching-doc Documentation for hatching %package -n texlive-hacm Provides: tex-hacm = %{tl_version} Summary: Font support for the Arka language Version: svn27671.0.1 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Provides: tex( = %{tl_version}, tex(alblant.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(defans.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(fenlil.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(fialis.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(inje.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(kardinal.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(lantia.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(nalnia.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(olivia.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(ralblant.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(rdefans.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(rfenlil.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(rfialis.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(rinje.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(rkardinal.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(rlantia.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(rnalnia.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(rolivia.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(alblant.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(defans.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(fenlil.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(fialis.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(inje.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(kardinal.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(lantia.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(nalnia.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(olivia.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(alblant.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(defans.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(fenlil.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(fialis.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(inje.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(kardinal.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(lantia.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(nalnia.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(olivia.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hacm.sty) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(ot1halb.fd) = %{tl_version}, tex(ot1hdef.fd) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(ot1hfen.fd) = %{tl_version}, tex(ot1hfia.fd) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(ot1hinj.fd) = %{tl_version}, tex(ot1hkar.fd) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(ot1hlan.fd) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hacm The package supports typesetting hacm, the alphabet of the constructed language Arka. The bundle provides nine official fonts, in Adobe Type 1 format. %package -n texlive-hacm-doc Summary: Documentation for hacm Version: svn27671.0.1 Provides: tex-hacm-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hacm-doc Documentation for hacm %package -n texlive-hands Provides: tex-hands = %{tl_version} License: Public Domain Summary: Pointing hand font Version: svn13293.0 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Provides: tex(hands.tfm) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hands Provides right- and left-pointing hands in both black-on-white and white-on-black realisation. The font is distributed as Metafont source. %package -n texlive-heuristica Provides: tex-heuristica = %{tl_version} License: OFL-1.1 Summary: Fonts extending Utopia, with LaTeX support files Version: svn51362 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(fontenc.sty) Requires: tex(textcomp.sty), tex(mweights.sty), tex(etoolbox.sty), tex(fontaxes.sty) Requires: tex(xkeyval.sty) Provides: tex(zut_5b7xz5.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_bavnqe.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_ckaykl.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_cq6rqq.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_cvig5d.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_d3dvo4.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_dcwkkw.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_dhvb6d.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_dvh2xl.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_e7tlds.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_edf5gu.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_etrbro.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_evgarn.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_f5n2rf.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_fc3mov.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_flhghs.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_g4w54e.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_geqeyh.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_hbxdik.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_hln2hy.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_hvy566.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_ijw3px.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_it5nv3.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_j3hjx2.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_k42udk.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_n2gc2n.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_nvi5ys.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_qy67bk.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_rhmrtx.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_rutxxy.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_tfeu3y.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_thxlbm.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_tsvs4d.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_u7pc6m.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_ul3ofd.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_v7it2w.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_vaioc2.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_vtjod4.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_ysltpx.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(zut_zk7stm.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(zut_zl5g24.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex( = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold.otf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic.otf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic.otf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular.otf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-inf-ly1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-inf-t1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-inf-t1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-inf-t2a.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-inf-t2b.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-inf-t2c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-sup-ly1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-sup-t1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-sup-t1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-sup-t2a.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-sup-t2b.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-sup-t2c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tlf-ly1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tlf-t1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tlf-t1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tlf-t2a.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tlf-t2b.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tlf-t2c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tlf-ts1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tlf-ts1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tosf-ly1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tosf-t1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tosf-t1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tosf-t2a.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tosf-t2b.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tosf-t2c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tosf-ts1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tosf-ts1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-inf-ly1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-inf-t1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-inf-t1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-inf-t2a.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-inf-t2b.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-inf-t2c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-sup-ly1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-sup-t1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-sup-t1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-sup-t2a.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-sup-t2b.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-sup-t2c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tlf-ly1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tlf-t1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tlf-t1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tlf-t2a.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tlf-t2b.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tlf-t2c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tlf-ts1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tlf-ts1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tosf-ly1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tosf-t1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tosf-t1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tosf-t2a.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tosf-t2b.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tosf-t2c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tosf-ts1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tosf-ts1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-inf-ly1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-inf-t1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-inf-t1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-inf-t2a.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-inf-t2b.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-inf-t2c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-sup-ly1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-sup-t1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-sup-t1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-sup-t2a.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-sup-t2b.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-sup-t2c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tlf-ly1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tlf-t1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tlf-t1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tlf-t2a.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tlf-t2b.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tlf-t2c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tlf-ts1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tlf-ts1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tosf-ly1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tosf-t1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tosf-t1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tosf-t2a.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tosf-t2b.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tosf-t2c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tosf-ts1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tosf-ts1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-inf-ly1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-inf-t1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-inf-t1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-inf-t2a.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-inf-t2b.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-inf-t2c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-sup-ly1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-sup-t1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-sup-t1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-sup-t2a.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-sup-t2b.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-sup-t2c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tlf-ly1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tlf-sc-ly1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tlf-sc-ly1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tlf-sc-t1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tlf-sc-t1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tlf-sc-t2a.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tlf-sc-t2b.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tlf-sc-t2c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tlf-t1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tlf-t1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tlf-t2a.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tlf-t2b.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tlf-t2c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tlf-ts1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tlf-ts1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tosf-ly1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tosf-sc-ly1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tosf-sc-ly1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tosf-sc-t1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tosf-sc-t1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tosf-sc-t2a.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tosf-sc-t2b.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tosf-sc-t2c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tosf-t1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tosf-t1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tosf-t2a.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tosf-t2b.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tosf-t2c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tosf-ts1--base.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tosf-ts1.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-inf-t1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-sup-t1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tlf-t1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tlf-ts1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tosf-t1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Bold-tosf-ts1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-inf-t1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-sup-t1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tlf-t1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tlf-ts1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tosf-t1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-BoldItalic-tosf-ts1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-inf-t1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-sup-t1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tlf-t1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tlf-ts1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tosf-t1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Italic-tosf-ts1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-inf-t1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-sup-t1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tlf-sc-ly1.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(Heuristica-Regular-tlf-sc-t1.vf) = %{tl_version} 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Macro support, and maths fonts that match the Utopia family, are provided by the Fourier and the Mathdesign font packages. %package -n texlive-heuristica-doc Summary: Documentation for heuristica License: OFL-1.1 and LPPL-1.3c Version: svn51362 Provides: tex-heuristica-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-heuristica-doc Documentation for heuristica %package -n texlive-hfbright Provides: tex-hfbright = %{tl_version} Summary: The hfbright fonts Version: svn29349.0 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Provides: tex(hfmital.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfmsa.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfmsb.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfmsym.enc) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfot1.enc) = %{tl_version}, tex( = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfbr10.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfbr17.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfbr8.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfbr9.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfbras10.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfbras8.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfbras9.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfbrbs10.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfbrbs8.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfbrbs9.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfbrbx10.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfbrmb10.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfbrmi10.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfbrmi8.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfbrmi9.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfbrsl10.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfbrsl17.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfbrsl8.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfbrsl9.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfbrsy10.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfbrsy8.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfbrsy9.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfsltl10.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(hftl10.pfb) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hfbright These are Adobe Type 1 versions of the OT1-encoded and maths parts of the Computer Modern Bright fonts. %package -n texlive-hfbright-doc Summary: Documentation for hfbright Version: svn29349.0 Provides: tex-hfbright-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hfbright-doc Documentation for hfbright %package -n texlive-hfoldsty Provides: tex-hfoldsty = %{tl_version} License: GPL+ Summary: Old style numerals with EC fonts Version: svn29349.1.15 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(fontenc.sty), tex(fix-cm.sty), tex(ifthen.sty) Provides: tex(hfobi0500.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobi0600.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobi0700.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobi0800.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobi0900.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobi1000.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobi1095.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobi1200.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobi1440.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobi1728.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobi2074.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobi2488.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobi2986.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobi3583.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobl0500.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobl0600.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobl0700.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobl0800.tfm) = 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%{tl_version}, tex(hfoui0600.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoui0700.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoui0800.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoui0900.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoui1000.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoui1095.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoui1200.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoui1440.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoui1728.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoui2074.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoui2488.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoui2986.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoui3583.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfovi0600.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfovi0700.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfovi0800.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfovi0900.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfovi1000.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfovi1095.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfovi1200.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfovi1440.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfovi1728.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfovi2074.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfovi2488.tfm) = %{tl_version}, 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%{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoxc2074.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoxc2488.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoxc2986.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoxc3583.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobi0500.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobi0600.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobi0700.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobi0800.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobi0900.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobi1000.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobi1095.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobi1200.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobi1440.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobi1728.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobi2074.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobi2488.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobi2986.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobi3583.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobl0500.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobl0600.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobl0700.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobl0800.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobl0900.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobl1000.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobl1095.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobl1200.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobl1440.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobl1728.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobl2074.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobl2488.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobl2986.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobl3583.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobx0500.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobx0600.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobx0700.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobx0800.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobx0900.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobx1000.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobx1095.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobx1200.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobx1440.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobx1728.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobx2074.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobx2488.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfobx2986.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfobx3583.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfocc0500.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfocc0600.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfocc0700.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfocc0800.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfocc0900.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfocc1000.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfocc1095.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfocc1200.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfocc1440.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfocc1728.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfocc2074.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfocc2488.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfocc2986.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfocc3583.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfodh0500.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfodh0600.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfodh0700.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfodh0800.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfodh0900.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfodh1000.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfodh1095.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfodh1200.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfodh1440.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfodh1728.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfodh2074.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfodh2488.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfodh2986.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfodh3583.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoit0600.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoit0700.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoit0800.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoit0900.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoit1000.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoit1095.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoit1200.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoit1440.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoit1728.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoit2074.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoit2488.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoit2986.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoit3583.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfooc0500.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfooc0600.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfooc0700.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfooc0800.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfooc0900.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfooc1000.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfooc1095.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfooc1200.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfooc1440.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfooc1728.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfooc2074.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfooc2488.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfooc2986.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfooc3583.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hforb0500.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hforb0600.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hforb0700.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hforb0800.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hforb0900.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hforb1000.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hforb1095.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hforb1200.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hforb1440.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hforb1728.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hforb2074.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hforb2488.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hforb2986.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hforb3583.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hform0500.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hform0600.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hform0700.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hform0800.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hform0900.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hform1000.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hform1095.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hform1200.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hform1440.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hform1728.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hform2074.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hform2488.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hform2986.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hform3583.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosc0500.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosc0600.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosc0700.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosc0800.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosc0900.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosc1000.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosc1095.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosc1200.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosc1440.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosc1728.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosc2074.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosc2488.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosc2986.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosc3583.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosi0500.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosi0600.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosi0700.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosi0800.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosi0900.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosi1000.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosi1095.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosi1200.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosi1440.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosi1728.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosi2074.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosi2488.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosi2986.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosi3583.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosl0500.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosl0600.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosl0700.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosl0800.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosl0900.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosl1000.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosl1095.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosl1200.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosl1440.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosl1728.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosl2074.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosl2488.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosl2986.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosl3583.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoso0500.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoso0600.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoso0700.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoso0800.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoso0900.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoso1000.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoso1095.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoso1200.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoso1440.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoso1728.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoso2074.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoso2488.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoso2986.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoso3583.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoss0500.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoss0600.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoss0700.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoss0800.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoss0900.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoss1000.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoss1095.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoss1200.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoss1440.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoss1728.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoss2074.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoss2488.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoss2986.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoss3583.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfost0600.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfost0700.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfost0800.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfost0900.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfost1000.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfost1095.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfost1200.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfost1440.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfost1728.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfost2074.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfost2488.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfost2986.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfost3583.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosx0500.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosx0600.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosx0700.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosx0800.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosx0900.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosx1000.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosx1095.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosx1200.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosx1440.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosx1728.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosx2074.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosx2488.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfosx2986.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfosx3583.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfotc0600.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfotc0700.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfotc0800.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfotc0900.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfotc1000.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfotc1095.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfotc1200.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfotc1440.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfotc1728.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfotc2074.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfotc2488.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfotc2986.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfotc3583.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoti0500.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoti0600.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoti0700.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoti0800.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoti0900.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoti1000.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoti1095.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoti1200.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoti1440.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoti1728.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoti2074.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoti2488.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoti2986.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoti3583.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfott0600.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfott0700.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfott0800.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfott0900.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfott1000.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfott1095.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfott1200.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfott1440.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfott1728.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfott2074.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfott2488.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfott2986.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfott3583.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoui0500.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoui0600.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoui0700.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoui0800.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoui0900.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoui1000.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoui1095.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoui1200.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoui1440.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoui1728.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoui2074.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoui2488.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoui2986.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoui3583.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfovi0600.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfovi0700.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfovi0800.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfovi0900.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfovi1000.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfovi1095.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfovi1200.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfovi1440.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfovi1728.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfovi2074.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfovi2488.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfovi2986.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfovi3583.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfovt0600.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfovt0700.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfovt0800.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfovt0900.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfovt1000.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfovt1095.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfovt1200.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfovt1440.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfovt1728.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfovt2074.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfovt2488.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfovt2986.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfovt3583.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoxc0500.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoxc0600.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoxc0700.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoxc0800.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoxc0900.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoxc1000.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoxc1095.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoxc1200.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoxc1440.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoxc1728.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoxc2074.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoxc2488.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoxc2986.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(hfoxc3583.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hfoldsty.sty) = %{tl_version}, tex(omlhfor.fd) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(omshfor.fd) = %{tl_version}, tex(t1hfodh.fd) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(t1hfor.fd) = %{tl_version}, tex(t1hfoss.fd) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(t1hfott.fd) = %{tl_version}, tex(t1hfovt.fd) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(ts1hfor.fd) = %{tl_version}, tex(ts1hfoss.fd) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(ts1hfott.fd) = %{tl_version}, tex(ts1hfovtt.fd) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hfoldsty The hfoldsty package provides virtual fonts for using oldstyle (0123456789) figures with the European Computer Modern fonts. It does a similar job as the eco package by Sebastian Kirsch but includes a couple of improvements, i.e., better kerning with guillemets, and support for character protruding using the pdfcprot package. %package -n texlive-hfoldsty-doc Summary: Documentation for hfoldsty License: GPL-2.0-only and GPL-2.0-or-later Version: svn29349.1.15 Provides: tex-hfoldsty-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hfoldsty-doc Documentation for hfoldsty %package -n texlive-helvetic Provides: tex-helvetic = %{tl_version} License: GPL+ Summary: URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX Version: svn31835.0 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Provides: tex( = %{tl_version}, tex(phvb.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvb7t.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvb7tn.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvb8c.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvb8cn.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvb8r.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvb8rn.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvb8t.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvb8tn.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvbc.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvbc7t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvbc7tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvbc8t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvbc8tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvbo.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvbo7t.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvbo7tn.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvbo8c.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvbo8cn.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvbo8r.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvbo8rn.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvbo8t.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvbo8tn.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvbon.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvbrn.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvr.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvr7t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvr7tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvr8c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvr8cn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvr8r.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvr8rn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvr8t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvr8tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvrc.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvrc7t.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvrc7tn.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvrc8t.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvrc8tn.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvro.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvro7t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvro7tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvro8c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvro8cn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvro8r.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvro8rn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvro8t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvro8tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvron.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvrrn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(arb10u.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(arb2n.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(arb7j.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(arb8u.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(arb9t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(ari10u.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(ari2n.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(ari7j.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(ari8u.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(ari9t.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(arj10u.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(arj2n.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(arj7j.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(arj8u.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(arj9t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(arr10u.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(arr2n.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(arr7j.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(arr8u.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(arr9t.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(mhvb.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(mhvb8t.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(mhvbi.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(mhvbi8t.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(mhvr.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(mhvr8t.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(mhvri.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(mhvri8t.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvb7t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvb7tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvb8c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvb8cn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvb8r.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvb8rn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvb8t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvb8tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvbc7t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvbc7tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvbc8t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvbc8tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvbi7t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvbi8c.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvbi8r.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvbi8t.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvbo7t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvbo7tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvbo8c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvbo8cn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvbo8r.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvbo8rn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvbo8t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvbo8tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvr7t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvr7tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvr8c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvr8cn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvr8r.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvr8rn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvr8t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvr8tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvrc7t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvrc7tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvrc8t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvrc8tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvri7t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvri7tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvri8c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvri8cn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvri8r.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvri8rn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvri8t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvri8tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvro7t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvro7tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvro8c.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvro8cn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvro8r.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvro8rn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvro8t.tfm) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvro8tn.tfm) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvb8a.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvb8ac.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvbo8a.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvbo8ac.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvr8a-105.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvr8a.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvr8ac.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvro8a-105.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvro8a.pfb) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvro8ac.pfb) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvb.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvb7t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvb7tn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvb8c.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvb8cn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvb8t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvb8tn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvbc.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvbc7t.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvbc7tn.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvbc8t.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvbc8tn.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvbo.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvbo7t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvbo7tn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvbo8c.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvbo8cn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvbo8t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvbo8tn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvbon.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvbrn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvr.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvr7t.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvr7tn.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvr8c.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvr8cn.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvr8t.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvr8tn.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvrc.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvrc7t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvrc7tn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvrc8t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvrc8tn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvro.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvro7t.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvro7tn.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvro8c.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvro8cn.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvro8t.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvro8tn.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(phvron.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(phvrrn.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(mhvb.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(mhvb8t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(mhvbi.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(mhvbi8t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(mhvr.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(mhvr8t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(mhvri.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(mhvri8t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvb7t.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvb7tn.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvb8c.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvb8cn.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvb8t.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvb8tn.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvbc7t.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvbc7tn.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvbc8t.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvbc8tn.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvbi7t.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvbi8c.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvbi8t.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvbo7t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvbo7tn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvbo8c.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvbo8cn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvbo8t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvbo8tn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvr7t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvr7tn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvr8c.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvr8cn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvr8t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvr8tn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvrc7t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvrc7tn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvrc8t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvrc8tn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvri7t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvri7tn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvri8c.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvri8cn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvri8t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvri8tn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvro7t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvro7tn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvro8c.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvro8cn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(uhvro8t.vf) = %{tl_version}, tex(uhvro8tn.vf) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(8ruhv.fd) = %{tl_version}, tex(omluhv.fd) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(omsuhv.fd) = %{tl_version}, tex(ot1uhv.fd) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(t1uhv.fd) = %{tl_version}, tex(ts1uhv.fd) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-helvetic A set of fonts for use as "drop-in" replacements for Adobe's basic set, comprising: Century Schoolbook (substituting for Adobe's New Century Schoolbook); Dingbats (substituting for Adobe's Zapf Dingbats); Nimbus Mono L (substituting for Abobe's Courier); Nimbus Roman No9 L (substituting for Adobe's Times); Nimbus Sans L (substituting for Adobe's Helvetica); Standard Symbols L (substituting for Adobe's Symbol); URW Bookman; URW Chancery L Medium Italic (substituting for Adobe's Zapf Chancery); URW Gothic L Book (substituting for Adobe's Avant Garde); and URW Palladio L (substituting for Adobe's Palatino). %package -n texlive-hanoi Provides: tex-hanoi = %{tl_version} License: Public Domain Summary: Tower of Hanoi in TeX Version: svn25019.20120101 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Provides: tex(hanoi.tex) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hanoi The Plain TeX program (typed in the shape of the towers of Hanoi) serves both as a game and as a TeX programming exercise. As a game it will solve the towers with (up to) 15 discs (with 15 discs, 32767 moves are needed). %package -n texlive-havannah Provides: tex-havannah = %{tl_version} License: LPPL-1.2 Summary: Diagrams of board positions in the games of Havannah and Hex Version: svn36348.0 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(tikz.sty) Provides: tex(havannah.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-havannah This package defines macros for typesetting diagrams of board positions in the games of Havannah and Hex. %package -n texlive-havannah-doc Summary: Documentation for havannah License: LPPL-1.3c Version: svn36348.0 Provides: tex-havannah-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-havannah-doc Documentation for havannah %package -n texlive-hexgame Provides: tex-hexgame = %{tl_version} Summary: Provide an environment to draw a hexgame-board Version: svn15878.1.0 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(pstcol.sty), tex(pst-poly.sty), tex(calc.sty), tex(ifthen.sty) Provides: tex(hexgame.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hexgame Hex is a mathematical game invented by the Danish mathematician Piet Hein and independently by the mathematician John Nash. This package defines an environment that enables the user to draw such a game in a trivial way. %package -n texlive-hexgame-doc Summary: Documentation for hexgame License: LPPL-1.3c Version: svn15878.1.0 Provides: tex-hexgame-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hexgame-doc Documentation for hexgame %package -n texlive-horoscop Provides: tex-horoscop = %{tl_version} License: Public Domain Summary: Generate astrological charts in LaTeX Version: svn56021 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(wasysym.sty), tex(marvosym.sty), tex(starfont.sty), tex(pict2e.sty) Requires: tex(trig.sty) Provides: tex(horoscop.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-horoscop The horoscop package provides a unified interface for astrological font packages; typesetting with pict2e of standard wheel charts and some variations, in PostScript- and PDF- generating TeX engines; and access to external calculation software (Astrolog and Swiss Ephemeris) for computing object positions. %package -n texlive-hook-pre-commit-pkg-doc Summary: Documentation for hook-pre-commit-pkg License: GPL-3.0-only Version: svn41378 Provides: tex-hook-pre-commit-pkg-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hook-pre-commit-pkg-doc Documentation for hook-pre-commit-pkg %package -n texlive-horoscop-doc Summary: Documentation for horoscop License: Public Domain Version: svn30530.0.92 Provides: tex-horoscop-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-horoscop-doc Documentation for horoscop %package -n texlive-happy4th-doc Summary: Documentation for happy4th License: Public Domain Version: svn25020.20120102 Provides: tex-happy4th-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-happy4th-doc Documentation for happy4th %package -n texlive-hrlatex Provides: tex-hrlatex = %{tl_version} Summary: LaTeX support for Croatian documents Version: svn18020.0.23 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(geometry.sty), tex(txfonts.sty), tex(amsmath.sty), tex(amsthm.sty) Requires: tex(amssymb.sty), tex(graphicx.sty), tex(optional.sty), tex(calc.sty) Requires: tex(ifthen.sty), tex(framed.sty), tex(multicol.sty), tex(enumerate.sty) Requires: tex(paralist.sty), tex(xcolor.sty), tex(cancel.sty), tex(hyperref.sty) Requires: tex(inputenc.sty), tex(fontenc.sty), tex(babel.sty), tex(amsopn.sty) Provides: tex(fsbispit.cls) = %{tl_version}, tex(fsbmath.sty) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hrlatex.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hrlatex This package simplifies creation of new documents for the (average) Croatian user. As an example, a class file hrdipl.cls (designed for the graduation thesis at the University of Zagreb) and sample thesis documents are included. %package -n texlive-hrlatex-doc Summary: Documentation for hrlatex License: LPPL-1.3c Version: svn18020.0.23 Provides: tex-hrlatex-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hrlatex-doc Documentation for hrlatex %package -n texlive-hausarbeit-jura Provides: tex-hausarbeit-jura = %{tl_version} License: LPPL-1.3c Summary: Class for writing "juristiche Hausarbeiten" at German Universities Version: svn56070 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(ifthen.sty), tex(ifluatex.sty), tex(ifxetex.sty), tex(inputenc.sty) Requires: tex(fontenc.sty), tex(babel.sty), tex(textcomp.sty), tex(eurosym.sty) Requires: tex(indentfirst.sty), tex(geometry.sty), tex(csquotes.sty), tex(jurabib.sty) Provides: tex(hausarbeit-jura.cls) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hausarbeit-jura The class was developed for use by students writing legal essays ("juristische Hausarbeit") at German Universities. It is based on jurabook and jurabib and makes it easy for LaTeX beginners to get a correct and nicely formatted paper. %package -n texlive-hausarbeit-jura-doc Summary: Documentation for hausarbeit-jura License: LPPL-1.3c Version: svn56070 Provides: tex-hausarbeit-jura-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hausarbeit-jura-doc Documentation for hausarbeit-jura %package -n texlive-harveyballs Provides: tex-harveyballs = %{tl_version} License: GPLv3+ Summary: Create Harvey Balls using TikZ Version: svn32003.1.1 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(tikz.sty) Provides: tex(harveyballs.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-harveyballs The package provides 5 commands (giving symbols that indicate values from "none" to "full"). %package -n texlive-harveyballs-doc Summary: Documentation for harveyballs License: AGPL-3.0-or-later and GPL-3.0-or-later Version: svn32003.1.1 Provides: tex-harveyballs-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-harveyballs-doc Documentation for harveyballs %package -n texlive-here Provides: tex-here = %{tl_version} License: Public Domain Summary: Emulation of obsolete package for "here" floats Version: svn16135.0 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(float.sty) Provides: tex(here.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-here Provides the H option for floats in LaTeX to signify that the environment is not really a float (and should therefore be placed "here" and not float at all). The package emulates an older package of the same name, which has long been suppressed by its author. The job is done by nothing more than loading the float package, which has long provided the option in an acceptable framework. %package -n texlive-here-doc Summary: Documentation for here Version: svn16135.0 Provides: tex-here-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-here-doc Documentation for here %package -n texlive-hf-tikz Provides: tex-hf-tikz = %{tl_version} License: LPPL-1.3c Summary: A simple way to highlight formulas and formula parts Version: svn34733.0.3a Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(tikz.sty), tex(xparse.sty), tex(etoolbox.sty) Provides: tex(hf-tikz.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hf-tikz The package provides a way to highlight formulas and formula parts in both documents and presentations, us TikZ. %package -n texlive-hf-tikz-doc Summary: Documentation for hf-tikz License: LPPL-1.3c Version: svn34733.0.3a Provides: tex-hf-tikz-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hf-tikz-doc Documentation for hf-tikz %package -n texlive-hobby Provides: tex-hobby = %{tl_version} License: LPPL-1.3c Summary: An implementation of Hobby's algorithm for PGF/TikZ Version: svn44474 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(expl3.sty) Provides: tex(hobby.code.tex) = %{tl_version}, tex(pgflibraryhobby.code.tex) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(pml3array.sty) = %{tl_version}, tex(tikzlibraryhobby.code.tex) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hobby This package defines a path generation function for PGF/TikZ which implements Hobby's algorithm for a path built out of Bezier curves which passes through a given set of points. The path thus generated may by used as a TikZ 'to path'. The implementation is in LaTeX3. %package -n texlive-hobby-doc Summary: Documentation for hobby License: LPPL-1.3c Version: svn44474 Provides: tex-hobby-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hobby-doc Documentation for hobby %package -n texlive-hvfloat Provides: tex-hvfloat = %{tl_version} Summary: Rotating caption and object of floats independently Version: svn59104 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(graphicx.sty), tex(keyval.sty), tex(caption.sty) Provides: tex(hvfloat.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hvfloat This package defines a macro to place objects (tables and figures) and their captions in different positions with different rotating angles within a float. All objects and captions can be framed. The main command is \hvFloat{float type}{floating object}{caption}{label}; a simple example is \hvFloat{figure}{\includegraphics{rose}}{Caption}{fig:0}. Options are provided to place captions to the right or left, and rotated. Setting nonFloat=true results in placing the float here. %package -n texlive-hvfloat-doc Summary: Documentation for hvfloat Version: svn59104 Provides: tex-hvfloat-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hvfloat-doc Documentation for hvfloat %package -n texlive-handout Provides: tex-handout = %{tl_version} License: LPPL-1.3c Summary: Create handout for auditors of a talk Version: svn43962 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(kvoptions.sty), tex(etoolbox.sty) Provides: tex(handout.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-handout In some fields of scholarship, a beamer does not offer good support when giving a talk in a proceeding. For example, in classical philology, the main sources are text, and it will be better to distribute a handout to the audience with extracts of the texts about which we will talk. The package supports preparation of such handouts when writing the talk. %package -n texlive-handout-doc Summary: Documentation for handout License: LPPL-1.3c Version: svn43962 Provides: tex-handout-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-handout-doc Documentation for handout %package -n texlive-hang Provides: tex-hang = %{tl_version} License: LPPL-1.3c Summary: Environments for hanging paragraphs and list items Version: svn43280 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Provides: tex(hang.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hang This package provides environments for hanging paragraphs and list items. In addition, it defines environments for labeled paragraphs and list items. %package -n texlive-hang-doc Summary: Documentation for hang License: LPPL-1.3c Version: svn43280 Provides: tex-hang-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hang-doc Documentation for hang %package -n texlive-hanging Provides: tex-hanging = %{tl_version} Summary: Hanging paragraphs Version: svn15878.1.2b Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Provides: tex(hanging.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hanging The hanging package facilitates the typesetting of hanging paragraphs. The package also enables typesetting with hanging punctuation, by making punctuation characters active. This facility is best suppressed (it can interfere with other packages) -- there are package options for suppressing each individual punctuation character. 'Real' attempts at hanging punction should nowadays use the microtype package, which takes advantage of the support offered in recent versions of pdfTeX. %package -n texlive-hanging-doc Summary: Documentation for hanging Version: svn15878.1.2b Provides: tex-hanging-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hanging-doc Documentation for hanging %package -n texlive-hardwrap Provides: tex-hardwrap = %{tl_version} Summary: Hard wrap text to a certain character length Version: svn21396.0.2 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(ifplatform.sty), tex(pdftexcmds.sty) Requires: tex(ifxetex.sty) Provides: tex(hardwrap.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hardwrap The package facilitates wrapping text to a specific character width, breaking lines by words rather than, as done by TeX, by characters. The primary use for these facilities is to aid the generation of messages sent to the log file or console output to display messages to the user. Package authors may also find this useful when writing out arbitary text to an external file. %package -n texlive-hardwrap-doc Summary: Documentation for hardwrap License: LPPL-1.3c Version: svn21396.0.2 Provides: tex-hardwrap-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hardwrap-doc Documentation for hardwrap %package -n texlive-harnon-cv Provides: tex-harnon-cv = %{tl_version} License: Public Domain Summary: A CV document class with a vertical timeline for experience Version: svn26543.1.0 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Provides: tex(harnon-cv.cls) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-harnon-cv The class offers another modern, neat, design, and provides a simple means of adding an 'experience timeline'. %package -n texlive-harnon-cv-doc Summary: Documentation for harnon-cv License: Public Domain Version: svn26543.1.0 Provides: tex-harnon-cv-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-harnon-cv-doc Documentation for harnon-cv %package -n texlive-harpoon Provides: tex-harpoon = %{tl_version} License: Public Domain Summary: Extra harpoons, using the graphics package Version: svn21327.1.0 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(graphics.sty) Provides: tex(harpoon.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-harpoon Provides over- and under-harpoon symbol commands; the harpoons may point in either direction, with the hook pointing up or down. The covered object is provided as an argument to the commands, so that they have the look of accent commands. %package -n texlive-harpoon-doc Summary: Documentation for harpoon Version: svn21327.1.0 Provides: tex-harpoon-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-harpoon-doc Documentation for harpoon %package -n texlive-hc Provides: tex-hc = %{tl_version} License: GPLv2+ Summary: Replacement for the LaTeX classes Version: svn15878.0 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(natbib.sty), tex(fontenc.sty), tex(inputenc.sty), tex(ifthen.sty) Requires: tex(babel.sty), tex(xspace.sty), tex(palatino.sty), tex(mathpple.sty) Requires: tex(pifont.sty), tex(fancyref.sty), tex(truncate.sty), tex(typearea.sty) Requires: tex(multicol.sty), tex(hyperref.sty), tex(fancybox.sty) Provides: tex(hcart.cls) = %{tl_version}, tex(hcletter.cls) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hcreport.cls) = %{tl_version}, tex(hcslides.cls) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hc A set of replacements for the default LaTeX classes, based upon the Koma-Script bundle and the seminar class. Includes hcart, hcreport, hcletter, and hcslides. %package -n texlive-hc-doc Summary: Documentation for hc License: GPL-2.0-only and GPL-1.0-or-later Version: svn15878.0 Provides: tex-hc-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hc-doc Documentation for hc %package -n texlive-he-she Provides: tex-he-she = %{tl_version} License: LPPL-1.3c Summary: Alternating pronouns to aid gender-neutral writing Version: svn41359 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(xspace.sty), tex(everyhook.sty) Provides: tex(he-she.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-he-she The package implements a version of semi-automatic pronoun switching for writing gender-neutral (and possibly annoying) prose. It has upper- and lowercase versions of switching pronouns for all case forms, plus anaphoric versions that reflect the current gender choice. %package -n texlive-he-she-doc Summary: Documentation for he-she License: LPPL-1.3c Version: svn41359 Provides: tex-he-she-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-he-she-doc Documentation for he-she %package -n texlive-hhtensor Provides: tex-hhtensor = %{tl_version} Summary: Print vectors, matrices, and tensors Version: svn54080 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(ushort.sty), tex(amsmath.sty) Provides: tex(hhtensor.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hhtensor This package provides commands for vectors, matrices, and tensors with different styles -- arrows (as the LaTeX default), underlined, and bold). %package -n texlive-hhtensor-doc Summary: Documentation for hhtensor Version: svn54080 Provides: tex-hhtensor-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hhtensor-doc Documentation for hhtensor %package -n texlive-histogr Provides: tex-histogr = %{tl_version} Summary: Draw histograms with the LaTeX picture environment Version: svn15878.1.01 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Provides: tex(histogr.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-histogr This is a collection pf macros to draw histogram bars inside a LaTeX picture-environment. %package -n texlive-histogr-doc Summary: Documentation for histogr Version: svn15878.1.01 Provides: tex-histogr-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-histogr-doc Documentation for histogr %package -n texlive-hitec Provides: tex-hitec = %{tl_version} Summary: Class for documentation Version: svn15878.0.0_beta_ Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Provides: tex(hitec.cls) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hitec An article-based class designed for use for documentation in high-technology companies. %package -n texlive-hitec-doc Summary: Documentation for hitec Version: svn15878.0.0_beta_ Provides: tex-hitec-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hitec-doc Documentation for hitec %package -n texlive-hletter Provides: tex-hletter = %{tl_version} License: LPPL-1.2 Summary: Flexible letter typesetting with flexible page headings Version: svn30002.4.2 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(ifthen.sty), tex(graphicx.sty), tex(babel.sty) Provides: tex(hdefine.clo) = %{tl_version}, tex(hhead.sty) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hlete.clo) = %{tl_version}, tex(hletf.clo) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hletg.clo) = %{tl_version}, tex(hletter.cls) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hsetup.sty) = %{tl_version}, tex(mergeh.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hletter The package permits the user to specify easily, with the aid of self defined key-words, letters (with a logo and private) and headings. The heading may include a footer and the letter provides commands to include a scanned signature and two signees. The package works with the merge package. %package -n texlive-hletter-doc Summary: Documentation for hletter Version: svn30002.4.2 Provides: tex-hletter-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hletter-doc Documentation for hletter %package -n texlive-hpsdiss Provides: tex-hpsdiss = %{tl_version} License: GPL+ Summary: A dissertation class Version: svn15878.1.0 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(geometry.sty), tex(calc.sty), tex(ragged2e.sty), tex(rotating.sty) Requires: tex(mparhack.sty), tex(graphicx.sty), tex(colordvi.sty) Provides: tex(hpsdiss.cls) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hpsdiss The class was developed to typeset a dissertation at ETH Zurich. The requirements were to use A5 paper and 10pt type. A sample of the output is shown in the PDF documentation link. %package -n texlive-hpsdiss-doc Summary: Documentation for hpsdiss Version: svn15878.1.0 Provides: tex-hpsdiss-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hpsdiss-doc Documentation for hpsdiss %package -n texlive-hrefhide Provides: tex-hrefhide = %{tl_version} License: LPPL-1.3c Summary: Suppress hyper links when printing Version: svn22255.1.0f Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(xcolor.sty), tex(hyperref.sty), tex(kvoptions.sty) Provides: tex(hrefhide.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hrefhide This package provides the command \hrefdisplayonly (which provides a substitute for \href). While the (hyperlinked) text appears like an ordinary \href in the compiled PDF file, the same text will be "hidden" when printing the text. (Hiding is actually achieved by making the text the same colour as the background, thus preserving the layout of the rest of the text.) %package -n texlive-hrefhide-doc Summary: Documentation for hrefhide License: LPPL-1.3c Version: svn22255.1.0f Provides: tex-hrefhide-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hrefhide-doc Documentation for hrefhide %package -n texlive-hvindex Provides: tex-hvindex = %{tl_version} Summary: Support for indexing Version: svn46051 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(makeidx.sty) Provides: tex(hvindex.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hvindex The package simplifies the indexing of words using the \index command of makeidx. With the package, to index a word in a text, you only have to type it once; the package makes sure it is both typeset and indexed. %package -n texlive-hvindex-doc Summary: Documentation for hvindex Version: svn46051 Provides: tex-hvindex-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hvindex-doc Documentation for hvindex %package -n texlive-har2nat Provides: tex-har2nat = %{tl_version} Summary: Replace the harvard package with natbib Version: svn54080 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(suffix.sty), tex(natbib.sty) Provides: tex(har2nat.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-har2nat This small package allows a LaTeX document containing the citation commands provided by the Harvard package to be compiled using the natbib package. Migration from harvard to natbib thus can be achieved simply by replacing \usepackage{harvard} with \usepackage{natbib} \usepackage{har2nat} It is important that har2nat be loaded after natbib, since it modifies natbib commands. %package -n texlive-har2nat-doc Summary: Documentation for har2nat Version: svn54080 Provides: tex-har2nat-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-har2nat-doc Documentation for har2nat %package -n texlive-hobete Provides: tex-hobete = %{tl_version} License: LPPL-1.3c and GPL-1.0-or-later Summary: Unofficial beamer theme for the University of Hohenheim Version: svn27036.0 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(expl3.sty), tex(l3keys2e.sty), tex(xfrac.sty), tex(xparse.sty) Requires: tex(tikz.sty) Provides: tex(beamercolorthemehohenheim.sty) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(beamerouterthemehohenheim.sty) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(beamerouterthemehohenheimposter.sty) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(beamerthemehohenheim.sty) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hobete.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hobete The package provides a beamer theme which features the Ci colors of the University of Hohenheim. Please note that this is not an official Theme, and that there will be no support for it, from the University. Furthermore there is NO relationship between the University and this theme. %package -n texlive-hobete-doc Summary: Documentation for hobete License: LPPL-1.3c and GPL-1.0-or-later Version: svn27036.0 Provides: tex-hobete-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hobete-doc Documentation for hobete %package -n texlive-hep Provides: tex-hep = %{tl_version} License: LPPL-1.3c Summary: A "convenience wrapper" for High Energy Physics packages Version: svn15878.1.0 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(url.sty), tex(cite.sty), tex(hyperref.sty), tex(amsmath.sty) Requires: tex(braket.sty), tex(cancel.sty), tex(slashed.sty), tex(hepnicenames.sty) Requires: tex(hepunits.sty), tex(feynmf.sty), tex(booktabs.sty), tex(setspace.sty) Requires: tex(fancyhdr.sty), tex(tocbibind.sty), tex(morefloats.sty), tex(afterpage.sty) Requires: tex(ccaption.sty), tex(subfigure.sty), tex(caption.sty) Provides: tex(hep.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hep Loads the author's hepunits and hepnicenames packages, and a selection of others that are useful in High Energy Physics papers, etc. %package -n texlive-hep-doc Summary: Documentation for hep License: LPPL-1.3c Version: svn15878.1.0 Provides: tex-hep-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hep-doc Documentation for hep %package -n texlive-hepnames Provides: tex-hepnames = %{tl_version} License: LPPL-1.3c Summary: Pre-defined high energy particle names Version: svn35722.2.0 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(heppennames.sty), tex(hepparticles.sty) Requires: tex(xspace.sty), tex(amsmath.sty) Provides: tex(hepnames.sty) = %{tl_version}, tex(hepnicenames.sty) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(heppennames.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hepnames Hepnames provides a pair of LaTeX packages, heppennames and hepnicenames, providing a large set of pre-defined high energy physics particle names built with the hepparticles package. The packages are based on pennames.sty by Michel Goosens and Eric van Herwijnen. Heppennames re-implements the particle names in pennames.sty, with some additions and alterations and greater flexibility and robustness due to the hepparticles structures, which were written for this purpose. Hepnicenames provides the main non-resonant particle names from heppennames with more "friendly" names. %package -n texlive-hepnames-doc Summary: Documentation for hepnames License: LPPL-1.3c Version: svn35722.2.0 Provides: tex-hepnames-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hepnames-doc Documentation for hepnames %package -n texlive-hepparticles Provides: tex-hepparticles = %{tl_version} License: LPPL-1.3c Summary: Macros for typesetting high energy physics particle names Version: svn35723.2.0 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(subdepth.sty), tex(amsmath.sty) Provides: tex(hepparticles.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hepparticles HEPparticles is a set of macros for typesetting high energy particle names, to meet the following criteria: 1. The main particle name is a Roman or Greek symbol, to be typeset in upright font in normal contexts. 2. Additionally a superscript and/or subscript may follow the main symbol. 3. Particle resonances may also have a resonance specifier which is typeset in parentheses following the main symbol. In general the parentheses may also be followed by sub- and superscripts. 4. The particle names are expected to be used both in and out of mathematical contexts. 5. If the surrounding text is bold or italic then the particle name should adapt to that context as best as possible (this may not be possible for Greek symbols). A consequence of point 5 is that the well-known problems with boldness of particle names in section titles, headers and tables of contents automatically disappear if these macros are used. %package -n texlive-hepparticles-doc Summary: Documentation for hepparticles License: LPPL-1.3c Version: svn35723.2.0 Provides: tex-hepparticles-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hepparticles-doc Documentation for hepparticles %package -n texlive-hepthesis Provides: tex-hepthesis = %{tl_version} License: LPPL-1.3c Summary: A class for academic reports, especially PhD theses Version: svn46054 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(a4wide.sty), tex(fontenc.sty), tex(etoolbox.sty), tex(microtype.sty) Requires: tex(changepage.sty), tex(varwidth.sty), tex(amsmath.sty), tex(makeidx.sty) Requires: tex(titling.sty), tex(booktabs.sty), tex(hep.sty), tex(lineno.sty) Requires: tex(draftcopy.sty), tex(setspace.sty), tex(fancyhdr.sty), tex(tocbibind.sty) Requires: tex(comment.sty), tex(rotating.sty), tex(caption.sty), tex(afterpage.sty) Requires: tex(csquotes.sty), tex(hyperref.sty) Provides: tex(hepthesis.cls) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hepthesis Hepthesis is a LaTeX class for typesetting large academic reports, in particular PhD theses. It was originally developed for typesetting the author's high-energy physics PhD thesis and includes some features specifically tailored to such an application. In particular, hepthesis offers: Attractive semantic environments for various rubric sections; Extensive options for draft production, screen viewing and binding-ready output; Helpful extensions of existing environments, including equation and tabular; and Support for quotations at the start of the thesis and each chapter. The class is based on scrbook, from the KOMA-Script bundle. %package -n texlive-hepthesis-doc Summary: Documentation for hepthesis License: LPPL-1.3c Version: svn46054 Provides: tex-hepthesis-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hepthesis-doc Documentation for hepthesis %package -n texlive-hepunits Provides: tex-hepunits = %{tl_version} License: LPPL-1.3c Summary: A set of units useful in high energy physics applications Version: svn54758 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(amsmath.sty), tex(xspace.sty), tex(SIunits.sty) Provides: tex(hepunits.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hepunits Hepunits is a LaTeX package built on the SIunits package which adds a collection of useful HEP units to the existing SIunits set. These include the energy units \MeV, \GeV, \TeV and the derived momentum and mass units \MeVoverc, \MeVovercsq and so on. %package -n texlive-hepunits-doc Summary: Documentation for hepunits License: LPPL-1.3c Version: svn54758 Provides: tex-hepunits-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-hepunits-doc Documentation for hepunits %package -n texlive-h2020proposal-doc Provides: tex-h2020proposal-doc = %{tl_version} License: GPLv3+ Summary: doc files of h2020proposal Version: svn38428 AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-h2020proposal-doc Documentation for h2020proposal %package -n texlive-h2020proposal Provides: tex-h2020proposal = %{tl_version} License: GPLv3+ Summary: LaTeX class and template for EU H2020 RIA proposal Version: svn38428 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Provides: tex(h2020proposal.cls) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-h2020proposal This package consists of a class file as well as FET and ICT proposal templates for writing EU H2020 RIA proposals and generating automatically the many cross-referenced tables that are required. %package -n texlive-hackthefootline Summary: Footline selection for LaTeX beamer's standard themes Version: svn46494 License: LPPL-1.3c Requires: texlive-base texlive-kpathsea Provides: tex(hackthefootline.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hackthefootline This package provides arbitrary footline selection for LaTeX beamer's standard themes. It makes use of the following other LaTeX packages: appendixnumberbeamer, calc, etoolbox, and numprint. %package -n texlive-halloweenmath Summary: Scary and creepy math symbols with AMS-LaTeX integration Version: svn52602 License: LPPL-1.3c Requires: texlive-base texlive-kpathsea Provides: tex(halloweenmath.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-halloweenmath The package defines a handful of commands for typesetting mathematical symbols of various kinds, ranging from 'large' operators to extensible arrow-like relations and growing arrow- like math accents that all draw from the classic Halloween- related iconography (pumpkins, witches, ghosts, cats, and so on) while being, at the same time, seamlessly integrated within the rest of the mathematics produced by (AmS-)LaTeX. %package -n texlive-hecthese Summary: A class for dissertations and theses at HEC Montreal Version: svn56181 License: LPPL-1.3c Requires: texlive-base texlive-kpathsea Requires: tex(babel.sty) Requires: tex(color.sty) Requires: tex(enumitem.sty) Requires: tex(fontawesome.sty) Requires: tex(framed.sty) Requires: tex(numprint.sty) Requires: tex(url.sty) Requires: tex(hyperref.sty) Provides: tex(hecthese.cls) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hecthese This package provides the hecthese class, a class based on memoir and compatible with LaTeX. Using this class, postgraduate students at HEC Montreal will be able to write their dissertation or thesis while complying with all the presentation standards required by the University. This class is meant to be as flexible as possible; in particular, there are very few hardcoded features except those that take care of the document's layout. Dissertations and theses at HEC Montreal can be written on a per-chapter or per-article basis. Documents that are written on a per-article basis require a bibliography for each of the included articles and a general bibliography for the entire document. The hecthese class takes care of these requirements. The class depends on babel, color, enumitem, fontawesome, framed, numprint, url, and hyperref. %package -n texlive-hithesis Summary: Harbin Institute of Technology Thesis Template Version: svn46564 License: LPPL-1.3c Requires: texlive-base texlive-kpathsea Provides: tex(ctex-fontset-siyuan.def) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hithesis.cfg) = %{tl_version}, tex(hithesis.cls) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hithesis.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hithesis hithesis is a LaTeX thesis template package for Harbin Institute of Technolog supporting bachelor, master, doctor dissertations. %package -n texlive-hustthesis Summary: Unofficial thesis template for Huazhong University Version: svn42547 License: LPPL-1.3c Requires: texlive-base texlive-kpathsea Provides: tex(hustthesis.cls) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hustthesis The package provides an Unofficial Thesis Template in LaTeX for Huazhong University of Science and Technology. %package -n texlive-hlist Summary: Horizontal and columned lists Version: svn44983 License: LPPL-1.3c Requires: texlive-base texlive-kpathsea, tex(simplekv.sty) Provides: tex(hlist.sty) = %{tl_version}, tex(hlist.tex) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hlist This plain TeX and LaTeX package provides the "hlist" environment in which \hitem starts a horizontal and columned item. It depends upon the simplekv package. %package -n texlive-hagenberg-thesis Summary: A Collection of LaTeX classes, style files, and example documents for academic manuscripts Version: svn56798 License: CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0 Requires: texlive-base texlive-kpathsea Provides: tex(hgb.sty) = %{tl_version}, tex(hgbabbrev.sty) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hgbarticle.cls) = %{tl_version}, tex(hgbbib.sty) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hgbheadings.sty) = %{tl_version}, tex(hgblistings.sty) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hgbmath.sty) = %{tl_version}, tex(hgbreport.cls) = %{tl_version} Provides: tex(hgbthesis.cls) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hagenberg-thesis This bundle contains a collection of modern LaTeX classes, style files, and example documents for authoring Bachelor, Master, or Diploma theses and related academic manuscripts in English and German. Includes a comprehensive tutorial (in German) with detailed instructions and authoring guidelines. %package -n texlive-handin Summary: Light weight template for creating school submissions using LaTeX Version: svn48255 License: LPPL-1.3c Requires: texlive-base texlive-kpathsea Provides: tex(handin.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-handin This package is for students creating school submissions using LaTeX. It is especially suitable for math, physics, statistics and the like. It can easily be used for creating exercises, too. %package -n texlive-harmony Provides: tex-harmony = %{tl_version} License: LPPL-1.3c Summary: Typeset harmony symbols, etc., for musicology Version: svn15878.0 Requires: texlive-base, texlive-kpathsea-bin, tex-kpathsea Requires: tex(ifthen.sty), tex(amssymb.sty) Provides: tex(harmony.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-harmony The package harmony.sty uses the packages ifthen and amssymb from the amsfonts bundle, together with the LaTeX font lcirclew10 and the font musix13 from musixtex. %package -n texlive-harmony-doc Summary: Documentation for harmony License: LPPL-1.3c Version: svn15878.0 Provides: tex-harmony-doc AutoReqProv: No %description -n texlive-harmony-doc Documentation for harmony %package -n texlive-hulipsum Summary: Hungarian dummy text (Lorum ipse) Version: svn56848 License: LPPL-1.3c Requires: texlive-base texlive-kpathsea Provides: tex(hulipsum.sty) = %{tl_version} %description -n texlive-hulipsum Lorem ipsum is an improper Latin filler dummy text, cf. the lipsum package. It is commonly used for demonstrating the textual elements of a document template. Lorum ipse is a Hungarian variation of Lorem ipsum. (Lorum is a Hungarian card game, and ipse is a Hungarian slang word meaning bloke.) With this package you can typeset 150 paragraphs of Lorum ipse. All paragraphs are taken with permission from Thanks to Lorum Ipse Lab (Viktor Nagy and David Takacs) for their work. %prep %setup -q -c -T -a 3 %build %install install -d %{buildroot}%{_texdir}/../texmf install -d %{buildroot}%{_texdir}/texmf-config/web2c install -d %{buildroot}%{_var}/lib/texmf install -d %{buildroot}%{_texdir}/texmf-dist install -d %{buildroot}%{_texdir}/texmf-local set +x for i in %{sources}; do if [ "$i" != "%{_sourcedir}/texlive-licenses.tar.xz" ]; then if [ "$i" = "%{_sourcedir}/texlive-msg-translations.tar.xz" -o \ "$i" = "%{_sourcedir}/xecyr.tar.xz" -o \ "$i" = "%{_sourcedir}/xecyr.doc.tar.xz" -o \ "$i" = "%{_sourcedir}/platex.tar.xz" -o \ "$i" = "%{_sourcedir}/platex.doc.tar.xz" -o \ "$i" = "%{_sourcedir}/texworks.doc.tar.xz" -o \ "$i" = "%{_sourcedir}/uplatex.tar.xz" -o \ "$i" = "%{_sourcedir}/texlive-docindex.tar.xz" -o \ "$i" = "%{_sourcedir}/texlive-docindex.doc.tar.xz" ]; then OUTDIR="%{buildroot}%{_texdir}" else 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%{_texdir}/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hagenberg-thesis/ %doc %{_texdir}/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hagenberg-thesis/ %files -n texlive-handin %license lppl.txt %{_texdir}/texmf-dist/tex/latex/handin/ %doc %{_texdir}/texmf-dist/doc/latex/handin/ %files -n texlive-hulipsum %license lppl.txt %{_texdir}/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hulipsum/ %doc %{_texdir}/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hulipsum/ %changelog * Tue Aug 20 2024 yaoxin <> - 9:2021-2 - License compliance rectification * Wed Oct 26 2022 misaka00251 <> - 9:2021-1 - Upgrade texlive version to 2021 * Wed May 19 2021 maminjie <> - 8:2018-24 - split texlive * Fri Sep 11 2020 Guoshuai Sun <> - 8:2018-23 - Drop texlive-texinfo,use new files in texinfo-tex instead * Sun Jan 19 2020 daiqianwen <> - 8:2018-22 - Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC: modify spec * Tue Dec 10 2019 Jiangping Hu <> - 8:2018-21 - Package init
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