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File _service:tar_scm:google-guice.spec of Package google-guice
%global do_test 0 Name: google-guice Version: 4.1 Release: 13 Summary: An open source, Java-based dependency injection framework License: ASL 2.0 URL: BuildArch: noarch Source0:{version}.tar.gz BuildRequires: maven-local mvn(aopalliance:aopalliance) mvn(cglib:cglib) mvn( BuildRequires: mvn(javax.inject:javax.inject) mvn(javax.servlet:servlet-api) mvn(org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin) BuildRequires: mvn(org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-remote-resources-plugin) mvn(org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-source-plugin) BuildRequires: mvn(org.ow2.asm:asm) mvn(org.slf4j:slf4j-api) mvn(org.sonatype.plugins:munge-maven-plugin) BuildRequires: mvn(org.apache:apache-jar-resource-bundle) hibernate-jpa-2.0-api springframework-beans %if 0%{?do_test} BuildRequires: maven-surefire-provider-testng aqute-bnd atinject-tck easymock2 felix-framework BuildRequires: hibernate3-entitymanager mvn(org.hsqldb:hsqldb-j5) testng %endif %description Google's Guice is a Java-based dependency injection framework, which means approximately nothing to people who aren't familiar with it. Google's Guice is a way to build a graph of dependencies so you can instantiate complex objects made of simpler parts. %package -n guice-parent Summary: Guice parent POM %description -n guice-parent Guice is an open source, Java-based dependency injection framework. It is lightweight and is developed as well as managed by Google. %package -n guice-assistedinject Summary: AssistedInject extension module for Guice %description -n guice-assistedinject Guice is an open source, Java-based dependency injection framework. It is lightweight and is developed as well as managed by Google. %package -n guice-extensions Summary: Extensions for Guice %description -n guice-extensions Guice is an open source, Java-based dependency injection framework. It is lightweight and is developed as well as managed by Google. %package -n guice-grapher Summary: Grapher extension module for Guice %description -n guice-grapher Guice is an open source, Java-based dependency injection framework. It is lightweight and is developed as well as managed by Google. %package -n guice-jmx Summary: JMX extension module for Guice %description -n guice-jmx Guice is an open source, Java-based dependency injection framework. It is lightweight and is developed as well as managed by Google. %package -n guice-jndi Summary: JNDI extension module for Guice %description -n guice-jndi Guice is an open source, Java-based dependency injection framework. It is lightweight and is developed as well as managed by Google. %package -n guice-multibindings Summary: MultiBindings extension module for Guice %description -n guice-multibindings Guice is an open source, Java-based dependency injection framework. It is lightweight and is developed as well as managed by Google. %package -n guice-persist Summary: Persist extension module for Guice %description -n guice-persist Guice is an open source, Java-based dependency injection framework. It is lightweight and is developed as well as managed by Google. %package -n guice-servlet Summary: Servlet extension module for Guice %description -n guice-servlet Guice is an open source, Java-based dependency injection framework. It is lightweight and is developed as well as managed by Google. %package -n guice-spring Summary: Spring extension module for Guice %description -n guice-spring Guice is an open source, Java-based dependency injection framework. It is lightweight and is developed as well as managed by Google. %package -n guice-testlib Summary: TestLib extension module for Guice %description -n guice-testlib Guice is an open source, Java-based dependency injection framework. It is lightweight and is developed as well as managed by Google. %package -n guice-throwingproviders Summary: ThrowingProviders extension module for Guice %description -n guice-throwingproviders Guice is an open source, Java-based dependency injection framework. It is lightweight and is developed as well as managed by Google. %package -n guice-bom Summary: Bill of Materials for Guice %description -n guice-bom Guice is an open source, Java-based dependency injection framework. It is lightweight and is developed as well as managed by Google. %package help Summary: This package contains help documents Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Provides: google-guice-javadoc = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: google-guice-javadoc < %{version}-%{release} %description help Files for help with google-guice. %prep %autosetup -n guice-%{version} -p1 %pom_disable_module struts2 extensions %pom_disable_module dagger-adapter extensions %pom_xpath_remove "pom:profile[pom:id='guice.with.jarjar']" core %pom_xpath_set "pom:instructions/pom:Import-Package" "!*,*" core %pom_remove_plugin :animal-sniffer-maven-plugin core %pom_remove_plugin :animal-sniffer-maven-plugin extensions %pom_remove_plugin :maven-gpg-plugin %pom_remove_plugin -r :maven-javadoc-plugin %pom_remove_dep :guava-testlib extensions %pom_xpath_remove "pom:dependency[pom:classifier[text()='tests']]" extensions %pom_remove_parent %pom_set_parent{version} jdk8-tests %pom_disable_module jdk8-tests %build %mvn_alias "" "org.sonatype.sisu.inject:" %mvn_package :::no_aop: guice %mvn_file ":guice-{*}" guice/guice-@1 %mvn_file ":guice" guice/%{name} %{name} %mvn_alias ":guice" "org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-guice" %mvn_build -f -s %install %mvn_install %files -f .mfiles-guice %dir %{_javadir}/guice %files -n guice-parent -f .mfiles-guice-parent %doc COPYING %files -n guice-assistedinject -f .mfiles-guice-assistedinject %files -n guice-extensions -f .mfiles-extensions-parent %files -n guice-grapher -f .mfiles-guice-grapher %files -n guice-jmx -f .mfiles-guice-jmx %files -n guice-jndi -f .mfiles-guice-jndi %files -n guice-multibindings -f .mfiles-guice-multibindings %files -n guice-persist -f .mfiles-guice-persist %files -n guice-servlet -f .mfiles-guice-servlet %files -n guice-spring -f .mfiles-guice-spring %files -n guice-testlib -f .mfiles-guice-testlib %files -n guice-throwingproviders -f .mfiles-guice-throwingproviders %files -n guice-bom -f .mfiles-guice-bom %files help -f .mfiles-javadoc %doc COPYING %changelog * Tue Feb 18 2020 Shuaishuai Song <> - 4.1-13 - Pakcage init
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