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File _service:tar_scm:jsch-agent-proxy.spec of Package jsch-agent-proxy
Name: jsch-agent-proxy Version: 0.0.8 Release: 10 Summary: A Proxy to ssh-agent and Pageant in Java License: BSD URL: BuildArch: noarch Source0:{version}.tar.gz#/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRequires: maven-local mvn(com.jcraft:jsch) mvn(com.trilead:trilead-ssh2) mvn( BuildRequires: mvn( mvn(net.schmizz:sshj) mvn(org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin) BuildRequires: mvn(org.sonatype.oss:oss-parent:pom:) %description jsch-agent-proxy is a proxy program to OpenSSH ssh-agent and Pageant included Putty. It will be easily integrated into JSch, and users will be allowed to use those programs in authentications. This software has been developed for JSch, but it will be easily applicable to other ssh2 implementations in Java. This software is licensed under BSD style license. %package connector-factory Summary: Connector factory for jsch-agent-proxy %description connector-factory jsch-agent-proxy is a proxy program to OpenSSH ssh-agent and Pageant included Putty. It will be easily integrated into JSch, and users will be allowed to use those programs in authentications. This software has been developed for JSch, but it will be easily applicable to other ssh2 implementations in Java. This software is licensed under BSD style license. %package core Summary: jsch-agent-proxy core module %description core jsch-agent-proxy is a proxy program to OpenSSH ssh-agent and Pageant included Putty. It will be easily integrated into JSch, and users will be allowed to use those programs in authentications. This software has been developed for JSch, but it will be easily applicable to other ssh2 implementations in Java. This software is licensed under BSD style license. %package jsch Summary: JSch connector for jsch-agent-proxy %description jsch jsch-agent-proxy is a proxy program to OpenSSH ssh-agent and Pageant included Putty. It will be easily integrated into JSch, and users will be allowed to use those programs in authentications. This software has been developed for JSch, but it will be easily applicable to other ssh2 implementations in Java. This software is licensed under BSD style license. %package pageant Summary: Pageant connector for jsch-agent-proxy %description pageant jsch-agent-proxy is a proxy program to OpenSSH ssh-agent and Pageant included Putty. It will be easily integrated into JSch, and users will be allowed to use those programs in authentications. This software has been developed for JSch, but it will be easily applicable to other ssh2 implementations in Java. This software is licensed under BSD style license. %package sshagent Summary: ssh-agent connector for jsch-agent-proxy %description sshagent jsch-agent-proxy is a proxy program to OpenSSH ssh-agent and Pageant included Putty. It will be easily integrated into JSch, and users will be allowed to use those programs in authentications. This software has been developed for JSch, but it will be easily applicable to other ssh2 implementations in Java. This software is licensed under BSD style license. %package sshj Summary: sshj connector for jsch-agent-proxy %description sshj jsch-agent-proxy is a proxy program to OpenSSH ssh-agent and Pageant included Putty. It will be easily integrated into JSch, and users will be allowed to use those programs in authentications. This software has been developed for JSch, but it will be easily applicable to other ssh2 implementations in Java. This software is licensed under BSD style license. %package trilead-ssh2 Summary: trilead-ssh2 connector for jsch-agent-proxy %description trilead-ssh2 jsch-agent-proxy is a proxy program to OpenSSH ssh-agent and Pageant included Putty. It will be easily integrated into JSch, and users will be allowed to use those programs in authentications. This software has been developed for JSch, but it will be easily applicable to other ssh2 implementations in Java. This software is licensed under BSD style license. %package usocket-jna Summary: USocketFactory implementation using JNA %description usocket-jna jsch-agent-proxy is a proxy program to OpenSSH ssh-agent and Pageant included Putty. It will be easily integrated into JSch, and users will be allowed to use those programs in authentications. This software has been developed for JSch, but it will be easily applicable to other ssh2 implementations in Java. This software is licensed under BSD style license. %package usocket-nc Summary: USocketFactory implementation using Netcat %description usocket-nc jsch-agent-proxy is a proxy program to OpenSSH ssh-agent and Pageant included Putty. It will be easily integrated into JSch, and users will be allowed to use those programs in authentications. This software has been developed for JSch, but it will be easily applicable to other ssh2 implementations in Java. This software is licensed under BSD style license. %package help Summary: This package contains help documents Provides: jsch-agent-proxy-javadoc = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: jsch-agent-proxy-javadoc < %{version}-%{release} %description help Files for help with jsch-agent-proxy. %prep %autosetup -n %{name}-%{version} -p1 %mvn_package :jsch.agentproxy jsch.agentproxy.core %pom_remove_plugin ":maven-javadoc-plugin" %pom_remove_plugin ":maven-source-plugin" %pom_xpath_remove pom:build/pom:extensions %build %mvn_build -s %install %mvn_install %files core -f .mfiles-jsch.agentproxy.core %doc LICENSE.txt %files connector-factory -f .mfiles-jsch.agentproxy.connector-factory %files jsch -f .mfiles-jsch.agentproxy.jsch %files pageant -f .mfiles-jsch.agentproxy.pageant %files sshagent -f .mfiles-jsch.agentproxy.sshagent %files sshj -f .mfiles-jsch.agentproxy.sshj %files trilead-ssh2 -f .mfiles-jsch.agentproxy.svnkit-trilead-ssh2 %files usocket-jna -f .mfiles-jsch.agentproxy.usocket-jna %files usocket-nc -f .mfiles-jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc %files help -f .mfiles-javadoc %doc README %changelog * Fri Dec 13 2019 gulining<> - 0.0.8-10 - Pakcage init
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