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File _service:obs_scm:UPGRADE-NOTES-1.6-to-1.10 of Package nginx
############# Upgrade notes ############# To resolve numerous security flaws, the nginx package was updated to 1.10.x. You should review your configuration files in /etc/nginx to determine if there are any incompatibilities. Below is a summary of the main incompatible changes. Some nginx directives have been changed or removed, so you may need to modify your configuration. Please see upstream release notes for a complete list of new features, bug fixes, and changes: One notable feature is support for HTTP/2. Nginx gained support for dynamic modules. As part of this update, dynamic modules have been split into subpackages. For the time being these are hard dependencies to aid the upgrade path. When you install nginx, all of these modules are installed and enabled by default: - nginx-mod-http-geoip - nginx-mod-http-image-filter - nginx-mod-http-perl - nginx-mod-http-xslt-filter - nginx-mod-mail - nginx-mod-stream Changes with nginx 1.10.x *) Change: non-idempotent requests (POST, LOCK, PATCH) are no longer passed to the next server by default if a request has been sent to a backend; the "non_idempotent" parameter of the "proxy_next_upstream" directive explicitly allows retrying such requests. *) Change: now the "output_buffers" directive uses two buffers by default. *) Change: now nginx limits subrequests recursion, not simultaneous subrequests. *) Change: now nginx checks the whole cache key when returning a response from cache. Thanks to Gena Makhomed and Sergey Brester. *) Change: the "proxy_downstream_buffer" and "proxy_upstream_buffer" directives of the stream module are replaced with the "proxy_buffer_size" directive. *) Change: duplicate "http", "mail", and "stream" blocks are now disallowed. *) Change: now SSLv3 protocol is disabled by default. *) Change: some long deprecated directives are not supported anymore. *) Change: obsolete aio and rtsig event methods have been removed. Changes with nginx 1.8.x *) Change: the "sendfile" parameter of the "aio" directive is deprecated; now nginx automatically uses AIO to pre-load data for sendfile if both "aio" and "sendfile" directives are used. *) Change: now the "If-Modified-Since", "If-Range", etc. client request header lines are passed to a backend while caching if nginx knows in advance that the response will not be cached (e.g., when using proxy_cache_min_uses). *) Change: now after proxy_cache_lock_timeout nginx sends a request to a backend with caching disabled; the new directives "proxy_cache_lock_age", "fastcgi_cache_lock_age", "scgi_cache_lock_age", and "uwsgi_cache_lock_age" specify a time after which the lock will be released and another attempt to cache a response will be made. *) Change: the "log_format" directive can now be used only at http level. *) Change: now nginx takes into account the "Vary" header line in a backend response while caching. *) Change: the deprecated "limit_zone" directive is not supported anymore. *) Change: now the "stub_status" directive does not require a parameter. *) Change: URI escaping now uses uppercase hexadecimal digits. Thanks to Piotr Sikora.
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